Satellite Missions catalogue
Discover more about past, operational and future missions in the Satellite Missions database, which offers an extensive list of articles about spaceborne EO missions and sensors, as well as other space missions.
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- Aalto-1: The Finnish Student Nanosatellite
- AAUSat-2 (Aalborg University CubeSat-2)
- AAUSat3 (Aalborg University CubeSat-3)
- ABEX (Alabama Burst Energetics eXplorer) CubeSat Mission
- ACE (Advanced Composition Explorer)
- ACRIMSAT (Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor Satellite)
- ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite)
- ADEOS (Advanced Earth Observing Satellite) / Midori
- ADEOS-II (Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II) / Midori-II
- Aditya-L1 (Name of the Sun in Sanskrit - Lagrange Point 1)
- AEM-2 (Applications Explorer Mission-2)
- Aeneas nanosatellite of USC/SERC
- Aeolus / formerly ADM (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission)
- AERO-VISTA (Auroral Emissions Radio Observer - Vector Interferometry Space Technology using AERO)
- AeroCube 7-OCSD-A (AeroCube 7 - Optical Communication and Sensor Demonstration-A)
- AeroCube-10 (JimSat/DougSat)
- AeroCube-11R3
- AeroCube-3 CubeSat
- AeroCube-4 CubeSats
- AeroCubes OCSD-B and -C
- AFSPC-11 (Air Force Space Command-11)
- AIM (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere)
- Air LUSI (Airborne Lunar Spectral Irradiance)
- AISat (Automatic Identification System Nanosatellite)
- AISSat-1 and 2
- Alba Orbital Unicorn PocketQubes
- ALBus (Advanced eLectrical Bus)
- ALEXIS (Array of Low-Energy X-Ray Imaging Sensors)
- ALISIO-1 (Advanced Land-Imaging Satellite for Infrared Observations)
- ALL-STAR (Agile Low-cost Laboratory for Space Technology Acceleration and Research)
- ALMASat-1 (Alma Mater Satellite-1)
- Almaz (Almaz Space Station Program)
- ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) / Daichi
- ALOS-2 (Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2) / Daichi-2
- ALOS-3 (Advanced Land Observing Satellite-3)
- ALOS-4 (Advanced Land Observing Satellite-4 )
- Alphasat (Inmarsat-4A F4)
- AlSat-2 (Algeria Satellite-2)
- AlSat-Nano (Algerian Nanosatellite)
- ALTIUS (Atmospheric Limb Tracker for the Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere)
- Amazonia-1
- AMPERE (Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment)
- ANDE (Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment)
- ANDE-2 (Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment-2)
- ANDESITE (Ad-hoc Network Demonstration for Spatial-ly Extended Satellite-based Inquiry and Other Team Endeavors)
- ANGELS (Argos Neo on a Generic Economical and Light Satellite)
- ANSER (Advanced Nanosatellites System for Earth Observation Research)
- ANUSat (Anna University Satellite)
- AOS-PMM (Atmosphere Observing System - Precipitation Measuring Mission)
- AprizeSat-3 and -4
- AQT-D (AQua Thruster-Demonstrator)
- Aqua (EOS/PM-1)
- Arachne
- Argo - Data Collection in the Global Oceans
- ArgoMoon CubeSat
- ARGOS (Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite)
- Argos DCS (Data Collection System)
- Argus
- ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote‐sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large‐survey)
- Arktika-M
- Arkyd-6 CubeSat
- ARMADILLO (Attitude Related Maneuvers And Debris Instrument in Low (L) Orbit)
- ARTEMIS (Advanced Relay and Technology Mission Satellite)
- Artemis-I (Exploration Mission-1)
- ASBM (Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission)
- ASNARO (Advanced Satellite with New system ARchitecture for Observation)
- ASNARO-2 (Advanced Satellite with New system ARchitecture for Observation-2)
- ASTERIA (Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics)
- Astra Communication Constellation
- ASTRO-H (International X-ray Astronomy Mission) / Hitomi
- Astrocast CubeSats
- AstroSat (Astronomy Satellite)
- ATLAS (Atmospheric Laboratory for Application and Science)
- ATMS (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder)
- Aura (EOS/Chem-1)
- Aurora / Shasta (Astro Digital Demo 9)
- AWS (Arctic Weather Satellite)
- AzTechSat-1 CubeSat
- Badr-B (or Badr-II - 'Full Moon-2' in Urdu)
- Baumanets-2 (Microsatellite of Bauman University)
- BeaverCube CubeSat Mission
- BeeSat-1 (Berlin Experimental Educational Satellite-1)
- BEESAT-2 and 3 (Berlin Experimental and Educational Satellite-2 and 3)
- Beijing-3
- BEOSAT (Braunschweig's Earth Observation Satellite)
- BepiColombo
- Beresheet Lunar Lander
- Biomass (Biomass Monitoring Mission for Carbon Assessment)
- BioSentinel nanosatellite on EM-1
- BIRD (Bi-Spectral Infrared Detection)
- BIROS (Bi-spectral InfraRed Optical System)
- BlackSky Constellation
- BLITS (Ball Lens In The Space)
- BRICSat-P (Ballistic Reinforced Communication Satellite-Prototype)
- BRITE (BRIght-star Target Explorer) Austria
- BRITE (BRIght-star Target Explorer) Canada
- BRITE (BRIght-star Target Explorer) Poland
- BRO (Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter) / Unseenlabs
- BUAA-Sat (Beihang University Student Microsatellite)
- Buccaneer CubeSat Mission
- BX-1 (BanXing-1 companion microsatellite of the Shenzhou-7 Mission)
- C/NOFS (Communication/Navigation Outage Forecast System)
- CADRE (CubeSat-investigating Atmospheric Density Response to Extreme driving)
- CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations)
- CanX-2 (Canadian Advanced Nanosatellite eXperiment-2)
- CanX-4 and 5 (Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment-4 & 5)
- CanX-6 (Canadian Advanced Nanosatellite eXperiment-6) / NTS
- CanX-7 (Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment-7)
- CANYVAL-X (CubeSat Astronomy by NASA and Yonsei using Virtual Telescope Alignment eXperiment)
- Capella Space X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
- CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment)
- Carbon Mapper Mission
- Carbonite video demonstration missions of SSTL on microsatellites
- CartoSat-2
- CartoSat-2A
- CartoSat-2B
- CartoSat-2D
- CartoSat-2E
- CAS500 (Compact Advanced Satellite 500)
- CASSIOPE (Cascade SmallSat and Ionospheric Polar Explorer)
- CBERS-1 and 2 (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite)
- CBERS-3 and 4 (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) - 2nd Generation Satellite Series
- CBERS-4A (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite-4A)
- CeREs (Compact Radiation Belt Explorer)
- Cesium Mission 1
- CFESat (Cibola Flight Experiment Satellite)
- CFOSAT (Chinese-French Oceanography Satellite)
- CHAMP (Challenging Minisatellite Payload)
- Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Chandrayaan-1
- Chandrayaan-2
- Chandrayaan-3
- Chang'e-1 (Lunar-1 Mission of China)
- Chang'e-2 (Lunar-2 Mission of China) / CE-2
- Chang'e-3 Moon-landing Mission
- Chang'e-4 Far Side Moon-landing Mission of China
- Chang'e-5 (China's Lunar Sample Return Mission) / CE-5
- CHEOPS (CHaracterizing ExOPlanets Satellite)
- Chibis-M Microsatellite Mission
- CHIME (Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment)
- CHIPSat (Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer Satellite)
- CHOMPTT (CubeSat Handling of Multisystem Precision Time Transfer)
- ChubuSat-1
- CICERO (Community Initiative for Continuing Earth Radio Occultation)
- CIMR (Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer)
- CINEMA (CubeSat for Ions, Neutrals, Electrons, & MAgnetic fields)
- CIRAS (CubeSat Infrared Atmospheric Sounder)
- CIRCE (Coordinated Ionospheric Reconstruction CubeSat Experiment)
- CIRiS (Compact Infrared Radiometer in Space)
- CLARREO (Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory)
- Clementine Lunar Mission
- CloudSat
- Cluster (Four Spacecraft Constellation in Concert with SOHO)
- CNSS (Compass/BeiDou Navigation Satellite System)
- CO2Image
- CO2M (Carbon Dioxide Monitoring) Mission
- CO3D Constellation
- Colony-1 CubeSats of NRO
- COMPASS-1 CubeSat Picosatellite
- COMPASS-2 (Complex Orbital Magneto-Plasma Autonomous Small Satellite-2)
- COMS (Communication Ocean and Meteorological Satellite)
- Copernicus (European Commission's Earth Observation Program) / formerly GMES
- Copernicus: Sentinel-1
- Copernicus: Sentinel-2
- Copernicus: Sentinel-3
- Copernicus: Sentinel-4
- Copernicus: Sentinel-5
- Copernicus: Sentinel-5P
- Copernicus: Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich
- COPPER (Close Orbiting Propellant Plume and Elemental Recognition) CubeSat
- Coriolis/WindSat
- Coronas-Photon
- CORVUS / Landmapper
- COSMO-SkyMed
- COSMO-SkyMed - Second Generation
- Crew-1 Mission
- CRISTAL (Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter)
- CryoSat (Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission-1)
- CryoSat-2 (Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission-2)
- CSDA (Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition)
- CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite)
- CSS (Chinese Space Station)
- CSSWE (Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment)
- CSTB1 (CubeSat TestBed 1)
- CU-E3 (University of Colorado Boulder - Earth Escape Explorer)
- CubeRRT (CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology)
- CubeSat - Launch 1
- CubeSat - Launch 2
- CubeSat - Launch 4
- CubeSTAR (CubeSat Space Technology And Research center)
- CuPID (Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector)
- CUTE (Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment)
- CUTE-1.7+APD
- CUTE-17+APD-2
- CXBN (Cosmic X-ray Background Nanosatellite)
- CXBN-2 (Cosmic X-ray Background Nanosatellite-2)
- CYGNSS (Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System)
- D-SAT (Deorbit Satellite)
- DAMPE (Dark Matter Particle Explorer)
- DANDE (Drag and Atmospheric Neutral Density Explorer)
- DarkCarb Infrared Imaging Minisatellite
- DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test)
- DART: Rendevous
- DebriSat - A destructive Laboratory Test of a Satellite
- Deep Space 1
- Deimos-1/GEOSAT-1
- Deimos-2/GeoSat-2
- Delfi-C3 (Triple-unit CubeSat Configuration of TU Delft)
- Delfi-n3Xt (Delfi Triple CubeSat NeXt)
- Dellingr CubeSat Demonstration Mission
- DEMETER (Detection of Electromagnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions)
- DeMi (Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission)
- DeOrbitSail
- DICE (Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment)
- Dione CubeSat
- Diwata-1 / PHL-Microsat-1(Philippine Scientific Earth Observation Microsatellite-1)
- DMC-1G (Disaster Monitoring Constellation- First Generation)
- DMC-3 (Disaster Monitoring Constellation-3)
- DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) Block 5D
- DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite)
- DoT-1 (Demonstration of Technology-1)
- Dove-1 and Dove-2 Nanosatellites
- DRACO (Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations)
- Drag-free CubeSat
- DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory)
- DSP (Double Star Project)
- DST (Dobson Space Telescope)
- DSX (Demonstration and Science Experiments)
- DTUSat - 2 (Danish Technical University Satellite-2)
- DubaiSat-1
- DubaiSat-2
- E-ST@R (Educational SaTellite @ politecnico di toRino)
- E1P-2 (Explorer-1 PRIME-2)
- EAN (European Aviation Network)
- EARS (EUMETSAT Advanced Retransmission Service)
- EarthCARE (Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer)
- EarthDaily Constellation
- EDSN (Edison Demonstration of SmallSat Networks)
- EduSat (Educational Satellite)
- EGS (Experimental Geodetic Satellite)
- EgyptSat-1 (Misrsat-1)
- EgyptSat-2 (MisrSat-2)
- EIRSAT-1 (Educational Irish Research Satellite 1)
- El Camino Real
- Electro-1 / GOMS-1 (Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite-1)
- Electro-L / GOMS-2 (Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite-2)
- ELFIN (Electron Losses and Fields Investigation)
- ELSA-d (End-of-Life Service by Astroscale Demonstration)
- EMISAT (Electromagnetic Intelligence-gathering Satellite)
- EMM Hope (Al-Amal Hope Probe Emirates Mars Mission)
- EnMAP (Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Program)
- EnviSat (Environmental Satellite)
- EO-1 (Earth Observing-1)
- EO-ALERT (Earth Observation - Alert)
- EOS-01 (Earth Observation Satellite - 01)
- EPICHyper / Dragonette
- EQUULEUS (EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft) and OMOTENASHI
- ERBS (Earth Radiation Budget Satellite)
- ERG (Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace)
- EROS-A (Earth Remote Observation System-A)
- EROS-B (Earth Remote Observation System-B)
- ERS-1 (European Remote-Sensing Satellite-1)
- ERS-2 (European Remote-Sensing Satellite-2)
- ESA ECSAT (European Space Agency - European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications)
- ESA Exploration Roadmap
- ESA Space Time
- ESA’s Space Environment Report 2022
- ESAIL Maritime Microsatellite
- EscaPADE (Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers)
- ESEO (European Student Earth Orbiter)
- ESMO (European Student Moon Orbiter)
- ESTCube-1 & -2 (Estonian Student Satellite-1 & -2)
- Etalon-1 and 2
- ETS-VII (Engineering Test Satellite VII)
- ETS-VIII (Engineering Test Satellite-VIII)
- Eu:CROPIS (Euglena and Combined Regenerative Organic-Food Production in Space)
- Euclid - Mapping the Geometry of the Dark Universe Mission
- EURECA (European Retrievable Carrier)
- Europa Clipper
- Eutelsat 172B
- Eutelsat Quantum
- EV-1 (ExactView-1 Microsatellite)
- EV-9 (ExactView-9 Nanosatellite)
- ExoCube nanosatellite
- ExoMars (Exobiology on Mars - 2016 Mission)
- ExoMars 2022
- ExoplanetSat
- EXPORTS (Export Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing)
- EyeSat 3U CubeSat Astronomy Mission to study Zodiacal Light
- FalconSat-1
- FalconSat-2
- FalconSat-3
- FalconSat-5
- FalconSat-7
- FASat-Bravo
- FASTRAC (Formation Autonomy Spacecraft with Thrust, Relnav, Attitude and Crosslink)
- FedSat (Federation Satellite)
- FIREBIRD (Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range, and Dynamics)
- Firefly - Space Science on a Nanosatellite
- FITSat-1 (Fukuoka Institute of Technology CubeSat) / Niwaka
- FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer)
- Flying Laptop
- FormoSat-1 (Republic of China Satellite-1)
- FormoSat-2 (FORMOSA Satellite No. 2)
- FormoSat-3 (Formosa Satellite 3) / COSMIC-1 (Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate)
- FormoSat-5 (Formosa Satellite 5)
- FormoSat-7 / COSMIC-2 (Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate)
- FORTE (Fast On-Orbit Recording of Transient Events) / P94-1
- FORUM (Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring)
- Foton-M3 Mission / YES2 and OWLS Experiments
- FREESTAR (Fast Reaction Experiments Enabling Science, Technology, Applications & Research)
- Frequency Comb - Spaceborne Frequency Comb Metrology
- Frontier Radio
- FSP-Fission
- FY-1 (FengYun-1)
- FY-2 (FengYun-2)
- FY-3 (FengYun-3)
- FY-4 (FengYun-4)
- GAIA Astrometry Mission
- Galassia CubeSat mission
- Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability)
- Galileo Second Generation (G2)
- GaoJing / SuperView Earth Observation Constellation
- GCOM-C (Global Change Observation Mission - Climate)
- GCOM-W (Global Change Observation Mission - Water)
- GEISAT Constellation
- GeneSat-1 Nanosatellite
- Genesis (Solar-Wind Sample Return Mission)
- Genesis Complex
- GeoCARB (Geostationary Carbon Cycle Observatory)
- GeoEye-1 (OrbView-5)
- GEOS (Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite) NASA
- GEOS (GEOstationary Scientific Satellite), ESA
- GEOSAT (Geodetic/Geophysical Satellite)
- GeoSTAR (Geostationary Synthetic Thinned Aperture Radiometer)
- GEOTAIL (Magnetospheric Observation Satellite)
- GeoXO (Geostationary and Extended Orbits)
- GF-1 (Gaofen-1)
- GF-2 (Gaofen-2)
- GF-3 (Gaofen-3)
- GFO (GEOSAT Follow-On)
- GFZ-1 (GeoForschungsZentrum-1 Geodesy Satellite)
- GHGSat Constellation
- GHGSat-D (Greenhouse Gas Satellite - Demonstrator) / Claire
- GHOSt (Global Hyperspectral Observation Satellite)
- GIOVE (Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element)
- GIOVE-A (Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element-A)
- GIOVE-B (Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element-B)
- GLIMR (Geostationary Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer)
- Global GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Monitoring Constellation
- Glory Atmospheric Monitoring
- GLOWS (Global L-band Observatory for Water Cycle Studies)
- GMS (Geostationary Meteorological Satellite)
- GNOMES (GNSS Navigation and Occultation Measurement Satellites)
- GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer)
- GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) 2nd Generation
- GOES-N, O, P
- GOES-R (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R)
- Gokturk-1 Imaging Mission, Turkey
- Gokturk-2 Imaging Mission, Turkey
- GOLD (Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk)
- GOLIAT CubeSat
- GOMX-1 (GomSpace Express-1)
- GOMX-3 (GomSpace Express-3)
- GomX-4 (GomSpace Express-4)
- GOMX-5 (GomSpace Express-5)
- GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite) / Ibuki
- GOSAT-2 (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite-2) / Ibuki-2
- GOSAT-GW (Global Observing SATellite for Greenhouse gases and Water cycle)
- GovSat-1 Communication Satellite
- GP-B (Gravity Probe B)
- GPIM (Green Propellant Infusion Mission)
- GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) Mission
- GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)
- GRACE-FO (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment - Follow-On)
- GRAIL (Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory)
- GRIFEX (GEO-CAPE ROIC In-Flight Performance Experiment)
- GSSAP (Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program)
- HaloSat (Soft X-ray Surveyor)
- Harmony A and B (Earth Explorer 10A and 10B)
- HARP (Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter)
- HAUSat-2 (Hankuk Aviation University Satellite-2)
- HawkEye 360
- Hayabusa-2 (Japan's Second Asteroid Sample Return Mission)
- Heinrich Hertz Mission
- Helios-2 A/B
- Hera
- Hermes
- Hiber
- Himawari-8 and 9
- HIT-Sat (Hokkaido Institute of Technology Satellite)
- HiVE Microsatellite Constellation
- HJ-1(Huan Jing-1: Environmental Protection & Disaster Monitoring Constellation)
- Ho'oponopono (Hawaiian for “To Make Right”)
- Hodoyoshi-1 ('Reasonably Reliable Systems' 1, in Japanese)
- Hodoyoshi-3 and -4 ('Reasonably Reliable Systems', in Japanese, 3 and 4)
- HORYU-2 (High Voltage Technology Demonstration Satellite-2)
- HORYU-4 (High Voltage Technology Demonstration Satellite-4)
- HSO (Herschel Space Observatory)
- HTV-6 (H-II Transfer Vehicle-6)
- HTV-7 (H-II Transfer Vehicle-7 / Kounotori-7)
- HTV-8 (H-II Transfer Vehicle)
- HTV-9 (H-II Transfer Vehicle-9)
- HummerSat-1 / FN-1 (Fengniao-1A/B)
- HumSat (Humanitarian Satellite Constellation)
- Hunga Tonga
- HY-1A (Haiyang-1A) / Ocean-1A
- HY-1B (Haiyang-1B) / Ocean-1B
- HY-1C/1D (HaiYang-1C/1D)
- HY-2 (Haiyang-2) / Ocean-2
- HydroGNSS/Scout-2
- HYLAS (Highly Adaptable Satellite)
- HyperCube™ (Hyperspectral CubeSat)
- HYPSO (Hyper-Spectral Small Satellite for Ocean Observation)
- HySIS (HyperSpectral Imaging Satellite)
- IAE (Inflatable Antenna Experiment)
- IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer)
- ICE Cubes (International Commercial Experiment Cubes Service)
- IceCube (Earth-1)
- IceCube South Pole
- ICESat (Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite)
- ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2)
- ICEYE Microsatellites Constellation
- ICEYE-X1 (SAR Microsatellite-X1)
- ICON (Ionospheric Connection Explorer)
- IDEA OSG 1 (In-situ Debris Environmental Awareness / OSG 1 Project)
- IKAROS (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun)
- Ikonos-2
- IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration)
- IMAP (Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe)
- IMP-8 (International Monitoring Platform - 8) / EXPLORER 50
- IMS-1 (Indian Microsatellite-1)
- INCUS (INvestigation of Convective UpdraftS)
- InflateSail
- INSAT-2 (Indian National Satellite-2)
- INSAT-3A (Indian National Satellite-3)
- INSAT-3D and 3DS (Indian National Satellite - 3D and 3DS)
- INSAT-3DR (Indian National Satellite-3D Repeat)
- InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport)
- Inspiration4
- INSPIRE (Interplanetary NanoSpacecraft Pathfinder In a Relevant Environment)
- INSPIRESat-1 (International Satellite Program in Research and Education Satellite-1)
- INTEGRAL (INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory)
- Intuition-1
- IOD-1 GEMS (In Orbit Demonstration-1 / Global Environmental Monitoring Satellite)
- Ionosphera-M / Ionosfera-M
- IPEX (Intelligent Payload Experiment)
- IPS (Instrument Pointing System)
- IRAZU CubeSat Mission
- Iridium NEXT
- Iridium PRIME
- IRIS (Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph)
- Iris Radio (Deep-space radio for CubeSat missions)
- IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System)
- IRS (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites)
- IRS-1C/1D (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites-1C/1D)
- IRS-P3 (Indian Remote-Sensing Satellite-P3)
- IRS-P4 (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite -P4) / OceanSat-1
- IRS-P5 (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-P5) / CartoSat-1
- IRS-P6 (Indian Remote-Sensing Satellite-P6)
- ISARA (Integrated Solar Array and Reflectarray Antenna)
- ISEE (International Sun-Earth Explorer)
- ISEE-3 / ICE
- ISS CLARREO Pathfinder
- ISS Utilisation: AWE (Atmospheric Waves Experiment)
- ISS Utilization: HISUI (Hyperspectral Imager Suite)
- ISS Utilization: XCOM (X-ray Communications)
- ISS: AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer)
- ISS: ASIM (Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor)
- ISS: ATV-5 (Automated Transfer Vehicle-5, Georges Lemaître)
- ISS: Bartolomeo
- ISS: BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module)
- ISS: CATS (Cloud-Aerosol Transport System) / CRS-5 Dragon Flight
- ISS: Columbus Module
- ISS: Cupola
- ISS: Cyclops
- ISS: Cygnus
- ISS: Cygnus CRS Orb-2
- ISS: Cygnus CRS-OA7
- ISS: Cygnus NG-10
- ISS: Dragon COTS/CRS (Commercial Orbital Transportation Services/Cargo Resupply Service)
- ISS: ECOSTRESS (ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station)
- ISS: EMIT (Earth surface Mineral dust source InvesTigation)
- ISS: ERA (European Robotic Arm)
- ISS: GEDI (Global Ecosystems Dynamics Investigation Lidar)
- ISS: HTV-5 (H-II Transfer Vehicle-5 / Kounotori-5)
- ISS: JEM/Kibo
- ISS: JEM/Kibo-EF
- ISS: Kaber (NanoRacks Microsat Deployer System)
- ISS: LIS (Lightning Imaging Sensor)
- ISS: MLM (Multi-purpose Laboratory Module) Nauka
- ISS: MSS (Mobile Servicing System)
- ISS: MUSES (Multi-User System for Earth Sensing)
- ISS: NanoRacks Bishop Airlock Module
- ISS: NanoRacks-QB50
- ISS: NG-16 (Northrop Grumman Commercial Resupply Mission)
- ISS: NICER/SEXTANT (Neutron-star Interior Composition ExploreR / Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology)
- ISS: NightPod
- ISS: OCO-3 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3)
- ISS: Prichal
- ISS: RapidScat
- ISS: ROSA (Roll Out Solar Array)
- ISS: RUBI (Reference mUltiscale Boiling Investigation)
- ISS: SAGE-III (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment-III)
- ISS: SIMPL (Satlet Initial-Mission Proofs and Lessons)
- ISS: SOLAR and EuTEF (International Space Station Solar Monitoring Observatory and European Technology Exposure Facility)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-16 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -16 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-17 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -17 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-18 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -18 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-19 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -19 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-20 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -20 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-21 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -21 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-22 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -22 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-23 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -23 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-24 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -24 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX CRS-6 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service -6 Mission)
- ISS: SpaceX Demo-1 (International Space Station: SpaceX Commercial Resupply Service Demo-1 Mission/Crew Dragon Demo-1, Officially Crew Demo-1, SpaceX Demo-1, or Demonstration Mission-1)
- ISS: STP-H8 (Space Test Program Houston 8)
- ISS: TSIS (Total and Spectral solar Irradiance Sensor)
- ISS: UrtheCast
- ISS: WORF (Window Observational Research Facility)
- ITASat-1 (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica Satellite-1)
- ITUpSat-1 (Istanbul Technical University PicoSatellite-1)
- IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer)
- IXV (Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle)
- Jason-1
- Jason-2/OSTM
- Jason-3 Altimetry Mission
- JAWSAT (Joint Airforce Academy / Weber State University Satellite)
- JC2Sat-FF (Japan Canada Joint Collaboration Satellites – Formation Flying)
- JERS-1 (Japan Earth Resources Satellite)
- Jilin Constellation
- JPSS-1/NOAA-20
- JPSS-2/NOAA-21
- Jugnu Nanosatellite
- JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer)
- Juno Mission to Jupiter
- JWST (James Webb Space Telescope)
- Kalpana-1
- Kanopus-V 1 (Kanopus-Vulkan N1)
- Kanopus-V-IK 1 (Kanopus-Vulkan-Infra-Krasny-1)
- KazEOSat-1
- KazEOSat-2
- Kepler Mission - Hunting for Exoplanets
- Kestrel Eye Block-II Microsatellite
- KhalifaSat Earth Observation Satellite Mission
- KickSat Nanosatellite Mission
- KITSAT-3 (Korea Institute of Technology Satellite-3)
- Kleos Commercial RF Monitoring CubeSat Constellation
- Kolibri-2000
- Kometa Space Mapping System
- KOMPSAT-1 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-1) / Arirang-1
- KOMPSAT-2 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2) / Arirang-2
- KOMPSAT-3 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3) / Arirang-3
- KOMPSAT-3A (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3A) / Arirang-3A
- KOMPSAT-5 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-5) / Arirang-5
- KOMPSAT-6 (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-6) / Arirang-6
- Kondor-E (Kondor-Experimental SAR Spacecraft)
- Kondor-FKA
- Konnect VHTS (Very High Throughput Satellite)
- KPLO (Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter)
- KR1 (Kent Ridge 1)
- KySat-1 (Kentucky Satellite-1)
- KySat-2 (Kentucky Satellite-2)
- Lacuna Constellation
- LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer)
- LAGEOS (Laser Geodynamics Satellite-I) / LAGEOS-II
- LAICE (Lower Atmosphere/Ionosphere Coupling Experiment)
- LambdaSat (Λ-Sat Hellenic CubeSat)
- Landsat Next
- Landsat-1 to 3
- Landsat-4 and 5
- Landsat-6
- Landsat-7
- Landsat-8/LDCM
- Landsat-9
- LAPAN-A2 microsatellite of Indonesia
- LARES (LAser RElativity Satellite)
- LARES-2 (Laser Relativity Satellite-2)
- LDEF (Long Duration Exposure Facility)
- LEAP (Low-frequency Earthquake Precursor)
- LEDSat (Light-Emitting Diode Satellite)
- Light-1
- LightSail Missions of The Planetary Society
- LightSail-2
- LISA Observatory
- LISA Pathfinder
- LituanicaSat-1
- LituanicaSat-2
- LLITED (Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density)
- LMRST-Sat (Low Mass Radio Science Transponder Satellite)
- LOTUSat-1 (JV-LOTUSat)
- LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)
- LSTM (Land Surface Temperature Monitoring) Copernicus
- Lucy
- LUMIO (Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer)
- LunaH-Map (Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper)
- Lunar Flashlight
- Lunar IceCube
- Lunar Pathfinder
- Lunar Trailblazer
- LunIR (Lunar InfraRed imaging)
- M3 / M-Cubed
- M3MSat (Maritime Monitoring and Messaging Microsatellite)
- MAGIC (Mass-Change and Geosciences International Constellation)
- MagSat / AEM-3 / Explorer 61
- MAIA (Multi-Angle Imager Aerosols)
- MANTIS (Mission and Agile Nanosatellite for Terrestrial Imagery Services)
- MarCO (Mars Cube One)
- Marine Plastic
- Martime AI-NAV
- MaSat-1 (Magyar Satellite-1)
- MATS (Mesospheric Airglow/Aerosol Tomography and Spectroscopy)
- Max Valier Sat
- MCubed-2/COVE (Michigan Multipurpose Minisat-2/COVE Payload)
- Megha-Tropiques (Meteorological LEO Observations in the Intertropical Zone)
- MERLIN (Methane Remote Sensing Lidar Mission)
- Meteor-1/Meteor-2/Meteor-Priroda Series
- Meteor-3 Program
- Meteor-3M-1
- Meteor-M-1 Mission
- Meteor-M-2 Meteorological Mission
- Meteor-M2-2
- Meteosat First Generation
- Meteosat Second Generation
- MethaneSAT
- MetOp (Meteorological Operational Satellite Program of Europe)
- MetOp-SG (MetOp-Second Generation Program)
- MEV-1 & 2 (Mission Extension Vehicle-1 and -2)
- MicroCarb (Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Mission)
- MicroMAS-1 (Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite-1)
- MicroMAS-2 (Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite-2)
- MicroSCOPE (Micro-Satellite à traînée Compensée pour l'Observation du Principe d'Equivalence)
- MidSTAR-1 (Midshipmen Space Technology Applications Research-1)
- MightySat Program
- MIMOSA (Microaccelerometric Measurements of Satellite Accelerations)
- MiniCOR (Miniature Coronagraph for Interplanetary CubeSat)
- MINISAT Program
- MinXSS (Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer)
- MIOSat (Missione Ottica Su MicroSatellite)
- MiRaTA (Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration)
- MITA (Minisatellite Italiano di Technologia Avanzata)
- MMS Constellation
- MOMS (Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral Scanner)
- Monitor-E (Monitor Experimental)
- MoonLIGHT (Moon Laser Instrumentation for General relativity/geophysics High-accuracy Tests)
- MOS (Marine Observation Satellite) Constellation / Momo
- MSR (Mars Sample Return)
- MSX (Midcourse Space Experiment)
- MTG (Meteosat Third Generation)
- MTI (Multispectral Thermal Imager)
- MTSAT (Multifunction Transport Satellite)
- MULA (Multispectral Unit for Land Assessment)
- Munin Nanosatellite
- Myriade/AstroSat-100 (CNES Microsatellite Program)
- NACHOS (Nano-satellite Atmospheric Chemistry Hyperspectral Observation System)
- Nancy Grace Roman Telescope
- NanoSail-D (NanoSail-Demonstration)
- NanoSail-D2
- NanoSat-1 (NanoSat-01)
- NanoSat-1B
- NanoSatC-Br1(Brazilian CubeSat Project-1)
- NEA Scout (Near Earth Asteroid Scout)
- NEE-01 Pegasus
- NEMO-AM (Nanosatellite for Earth Monitoring and Observation-Aerosol Monitoring)
- NEMO-HD (Nanosatellite for Earth Monitoring and Observation – High Definition)
- NEOSSat (Near-Earth Object Surveillance Satellite)
- NeuSAR
- Neutron-1 CubeSat
- New Horizons
- NewSat (Aleph-1 Constellation)
- NigeriaSat-2
- NigeriaSat-X
- Nimbus-7
- NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar)
- NOAA POES Series - 5th Generation
- NODES (Network & Operation Demonstration Satellite)
- NorSat-1 and 2
- NorSat-3 and 4
- NorSat-TD (NorSat Technology Demonstrator)
- NovaSAR-1
- NPOESS (National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System)
- NPSat-1 (Naval Postgraduate School Satellite-1)
- NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) Spaceborne Radar Data
- nSight-1 CubeSat (NanoRacks QB50 Constellation)
- NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array)
- O/OREOS (Organism/ORganics Exposure to Orbital Stresses)
- OceanSat-2
- Oceansat-3
- OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory)
- OCO-2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2)
- Oculus-ASR (Oculus-Attitude and Shape Recognition)
- Odin Satellite
- Oersted (named after Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted)
- OICETS (Optical Interorbit Communications Engineering Test Satellite)
- Okean Program
- Okean-O Series
- Okean-O1 (Ocean-O1)
- OneWeb Minisatellite Constellation
- OPAL (Orbiting Picosatellite Automatic Launcher)
- OPAL (Oxygen Photometry of the Atmospheric Limb)
- OPS-SAT (Operations nanoSatellite)
- OptiSAR (Optical and SAR) Commercial Constellation of UrtheCast
- OPTOS (Optical Nanosatellite)
- OptSat-3000
- OPUSat (Osaka Prefecture University Satellite)
- OrbView-1 (formerly Microlab-1)
- OrbView-2 (formerly SeaStar)
- OrbView-3 Minisatellite
- OrbView-4 Imaging Minisatellite
- Orion/ EFT-1 (Exploration Flight Test-1)
- ORS Tech 1 and 2
- ORS-1 (Operationally Responsive Space-1)
- ORS-3 Mission / STPSat-3 (Space Test Program Satellite-3)
- ORS-4 / HawaiiSat-1
- ORS-5 (Operationally Responsive Space-5)
- ORS-6 (Operationally Responsive Space-6)
- OSAM-1 (On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing-1)
- OSCAR-QUBE (Optical Sensors based on CARbon materials: QUantum BElgium)
- OSIRIS-APEX (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-APophis EXplorer)
- OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security‒Regolith Explorer)
- OTB-1 (Orbital Test Bed-1)
- OUFTI-1 (Orbital Utility For Telecommunication Innovation)
- PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) Mission
- PACE (Platform for Attitude Control Experiments)
- PANSAT (Petite Amateur Navy Satellite)
- PARASOL (Polarisation and Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Science coupled with Observations from a Lidar)
- ParkinsonSat (PSat or Naval Academy OSCAR 84)
- PAZ SAR satellite mission of Spain
- PeruSat-1 Earth Observation Minisatellite
- PhiSat-1 & -2 Nanosatellite Mission
- Phoenix CubeSat Mission
- PhoneSat-1 and 2
- PhoneSat-2.5
- Picard Mission (Named After French Astronomer Jean Picard)
- PICASSO (Pico-Satellite for Atmospheric and Space Science Observations)
- Pico Dragon
- PicSat (Pictoris Satellite) Mission
- PISat (PESIT Imaging Satellite)
- PIXL-1 / Formerly CubeL or OSIRIS4CubeSat
- Pixxel Hyperspectral Imaging Constellation
- Planet - Flock Imaging Constellation
- Planet Pelican
- PLATiNO Minisatellite Platform
- PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillation of Stars)
- Pleiades Neo
- Pleiades-HR (High-Resolution Optical Imaging Constellation of CNES)
- POLAR Mission
- Polar Regions
- Polar Scout
- POPACS (Polar Orbiting Passive Atmospheric Calibration Sphere)
- POPSAT-HIP1 (Propulsion Operation Proof SATellite – High Performance 1)
- PRCuNaR2 (Puerto Rico CubeSat NanoRocks 2)
- PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment)
- Priroda
- PRISMA (Hyperspectral)
- PRISMA (Prototype Research Instruments and Space Mission technology Advancement)
- PROBA-1 (Project for On-Board Autonomy - 1)
- PROBA-2 (Project for On-Board Autonomy-2)
- PROBA-3 (Project for On-Board Autonomy-3)
- PROBA-V (Project for On-Board Autonomy - Vegetation) and Companion CubeSat
- PROBA-V plus one
- PROCYON (Proximate Object Close Flyby with Optical Navigation)
- PROITERES (Project of Osaka Institute of Technology Electric-Rocket-Engine onboard Small Space Ship)
- Prometheus
- PSat-2 (ParkinsonSat-2) CubeSat
- PSP (Parker Solar Probe)
- PSSCT (Pico Satellite Solar Cell Testbed)
- PSSCT-2 (Pico Satellite Solar Cell Testbed-2)
- Psyche Mission of NASA to the Asteroid Belt
- Pulsar
- PUNCH (Polarimetry to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere)
- PW-Sat (CubeSat - Warsaw University of Technology)
- QARMAN (QubeSat for Aerothermodynamic Research and Measurements on Ablation)
- QBITO CubeSat
- QKDSat (Quantum Key Distribution Satellite)
- QPS-SAR (Q-shu Pioneers of Space - Synthetic Aperture Radar) Constellation
- QSat-EOS
- QuadSat-PnP (Plug-And-Play)
- QuakeSat
- QuickBird-2
- QuikSCAT
- QZSS (Quasi Zenith Satellite System)
- R3D2 (Radio Frequency Risk Reduction Deployment Demonstration)
- RADARSAT Constellation
- RadCube
- Radsat (Radiation-tolerant SmallSat Computer System)
- RaInCube (Radar In a CubeSat)
- RAISE-2 (Rapid Innovative Payload Demonstration Satellite-2)
- RapidEye Earth Observation Constellation
- RAVAN (Radiometer Assessment using Vertically Aligned Nanotubes) Pathfinder Mission
- RAX (Radio Aurora eXplorer)
- RAX-2 (Radio Aurora eXplorer-2)
- RazakSat / MACSAT
- RemoveDebris Mission
- ResourceSat-2
- Resurs-DK1 (Resurs-High Resolution 1)
- Resurs-O1 Program
- Resurs-P (Resurs-Prospective)
- RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)
- RISAT-1 (Radar Imaging Satellite-1)
- RISAT-2 (Radar Imaging Satellite-2)
- RISESat (Rapid International Scientific Experiment Satellite) / Hodoyoshi-2
- Rising-2 (Raijin-2)
- ROBUSTA (Radiation on Bipolar University Satellite Test Application)
- Roman Space Telescope
- ROSE-L (Radar Observing System for Europe in L-band)
- Rosetta
- SABIA-Mar (Argentine-Brazilian Satellites for Environmental Information of the Sea)
- SAC-C (Satélite de Aplicaciones Científicas-C)
- SAC-D (Satélite de Aplicaciones Científicas-D)/Aquarius Mission
- Saffire (Spacecraft Fire Experiment)
- SAMPEX (Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer)
- SAOCOM (SAR Observation & Communications Satellite)
- Sapphire (Space Surveillance)
- SAPPHIRE (Stanford AudioPhonic Photographic IR Experiment)
- SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)-Lupe Constellation
- SARah (Satellite-based Radar Reconnaissance System)
- SARAL (Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa)
- Sateliot IoT
- Satellite Vu's MWIR Imaging Constellation / HotSat
- SATis5 (Satellite-Terrestrial Integration in the 5G Context)
- SBSS (Space-Based Surveillance System)
- SCATSat-1 (Scatterometer Satellite-1)
- SCD (Satélite de Coleta de Dados)
- SciSat-1 / ACE (Science Satellite/Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment)
- SDA (Space Development Agency)
- SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory)
- SDS-1 (Small Demonstration Satellite-1)
- SDS-4 (Small Demonstration Satellite-4)
- SeaHawk-1 CubeSat Ocean Color Mission
- SeaSat (also called SeaSat-A or SeaSat-1)
- SEEDS-2 (Space Engineering EDucation Satellite-2)
- SELENE (Selenological and Engineering Explorer)
- SENSE (Space Environmental NanoSatellite Experiment)
- Sentinel Asia Constellation
- SEOSat/Ingenio - Earth Observation Satellite of Spain
- SERB (Solar irradiance and Earth Radiation Budget)
- SES-17 (Société Européenne des Satellites - 17)
- Shenzhou Spaceship
- SHERPA Rideshare Mission
- Shi Jian-10
- Shi Jian-9 (SJ-9)
- Shijian-21 Satellite
- SHIMMER (Spatial Heterodyne Imager for Mesospheric Radicals)
- ShindaiSat (Shinshu University Satellite) / GINREI
- Shuttle Flight STS-85
- Sich-1M (Modified)
- Sich-2 (Optical Observation Mission-2)
- SIMBA (Sun-earth IMBAlance)
- SIR-C (Shuttle Imaging Radar with payload C)
- SJ (Shi Jian) Satellite Series of China
- skCUBE CubeSat
- Skylab Space Station
- SkySat Constellation
- SLATS (Super Low Altitude Test Satellite) / Tsubame
- SloshSat-FLEVO (Facility for Liquid Experimentation and Verification in Orbit)
- SmallGEO (Small Geostationary Satellite Platform) Initiative / Hispasat AG1 Mission / H36W-1
- SMAP (Soil Moisture Active/Passive)
- SMART (Synthetic Marginal Aperture with Revolving Telescopes) Nanosatellite
- SMART-1 (Small Mission for Advanced Research in Technology)
- SMDC-ONE (Space & Missile Defence Command-Operational Nanosatellite Effect)
- SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer)
- SMM (Solar Maximum Mission)
- SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) Mission
- SNAP-1 (Surrey Nanosatellite Applications Program - 1)
- SNOE (Student Nitric Oxide Explorer)
- SOAR (Satellite for Orbital Aerodynamics Research)
- SOCRATES (Space Optical Communications Research Advanced Technology Satellite)
- SOHLA (Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association)
- SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory)
- Solar Orbiter Mission
- Solar-A / Yohkoh (X-ray Solar Observatory)
- Solar-B / Hinode Mission
- SOMP (Students' Oxygen Measurement Project)
- SONATE (SOlutus NAno satteliTE)
- SORCE (Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment)
- SORTIE (Scintillation Observations and Response of the Ionosphere to Electrodynamics)
- Source (Stuttgart Operated University Research CubeSat for Evaluation and Education)
- Space Rider
- Space Tethers
- SpaceEye-T
- Spacelab (SL-1) Mission
- SpaceLink Communication Technology
- Spacety MiniSAR Constellation
- SpaceX CRS-25 Mission
- SPARCS (Star-Planet Activity Research CubeSat)
- SPATIUM-I (Space Precision Atomic-clock TIming Utility Mission I)
- Spektr-RG/SRG
- SPIDER (Segmented Planar Imaging Detector for ElectroOptical Reconnaissance)
- SpinSat (Special Purpose Inexpensive Satellite)
- SPIRALE (Systeme Preparatoire Infra-Rouge pour l'Alerte/ Preparatory System for IR Early Warning)
- Spire Global Nanosatellite Constellation
- SpIRIT (Space Industry Responsive Intelligent Thermal)
- Spitzer Space Telescope
- SpooQy-1 CubeSat Mission
- SporeSat Nanosatellite Mission
- SPORT (Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task)
- SPOT-1,-2,-3
- SPOT-4
- SPOT-5 (Satellite pour l’Observation de la Terre)
- SPOT-6 and SPOT-7 (Azersky)
- SpriteSat (Rising)
- SPROUT (Space Research on Unique Technology)
- SRMSat (Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Satellite)
- SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)
- SSBUV (Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Spectrometer)
- SSETI (Student Space Education and Technology Initiative)
- SSOT (Sistema Satelital para la Observación de la Tierra) / FASat-C (Fuerza Aerea Satellite - Charlie)
- SSTL S1-4 Satellite Vision-1
- SSTL-Precision
- ST5 (Space Technology 5)
- ST8 (Space Technology 8)
- STARE (Space-based Telescopes for the Actionable Refinement of Ephemeris)
- Starlette / Stella
- Starliner CST-100 (Crew Space Transportation-100)
- Starlink Satellite Constellation
- STARS (Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite)
- STARS-2 (Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite-2)
- STARSHINE (Student-Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite for Heuristic International Networking Equipment)
- STEREO (Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory)
- STEX (Space Technology Experiment)
- Stingray VLEO Constellation
- STORK Constellation
- STP-1
- STPSat-1 (Space Test Program Satellite-1)
- STPSat6-LCRD (Laser Communications Relay Demonstration)
- STRaND-1 (Surrey Training, Research and Nanosatellite Demonstrator 1)
- StriX Constellation
- STRV-1 (Space Technology Research Vehicle 1) Missions
- STSat-1 (Science and Technology Satellite-1)
- STSat-2 (Science and Technology Satellite-2)
- STSat-3 (Science and Technology Satellite-3)
- StudSat-1 (Student Satellite-1)
- SumbandilaSat ("Lead the Way" From Venda Language - Formerly ZASat-002)
- SUNSAT (Stellenbosch University Satellite)
- Sunstorm CubeSat
- Suomi NPP (National Polar-orbiting Partnership)
- Supercapacitors
- SVOM (Space Variable Objects Monitor) Mission
- SwampSat CubeSat Mission
- Swarm (Geomagnetic LEO Constellation)
- SWFO-L1 (Space Weather Follow-On Lagrange 1)
- SwissCube
- SWOT (Surface Water Ocean Topography)
- T2E (Tier-2 Enabler)
- TacSat-1 (Tactical Satellite-1)
- TacSat-2 (JWS-D1 (Joint Warfighting Space-Demonstrator 1) or RoadRunner)
- TacSat-3 (Tactical Satellite-3)
- TacSat-4 (Tactical Satellite-4)
- TAIKI Hyperspectral EO Mission
- Tandem-L Interferometric Radar Mission
- TanSat (Chinese Carbon Dioxide Observation Satellite Mission)
- TARANIS (Tool for the Analysis of RAdiations from lightNIngs and Sprites)
- Tatiana-2 (Universitetsky-Tatyana-2)
- TBIRD (TeraByte InfraRed Delivery) System
- TDX (TanDEM-X)
- TEAMSAT (Technology, science and Education experiments Added to Maqsat)
- TechDemoSat-1 (Technology Demonstration Satellite-1)
- TechEdSat (Technology Demonstration CubeSat)
- TechEdSat-4 (Technological and Educational Nanosatellite-4)
- TechEdSat-5
- TechnoSat / TubSat-12 (Technische Universität Berlin Nanosatellite -12)
- TechSat/Gurwin-II
- TecSAR (SAR Technology Demonstration Satellite)
- TeikyoSat 3
- TeLEOS-1 Commercial Imaging Satellite of Singapore
- Telerobotics
- Telesat-Lightspeed
- TEMPEST-D (Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology - Demonstration)
- TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution)
- TEPCE (Tether Electrodynamics Propulsion CubeSat Experiment)
- Terra (EOS/AM-1)
- TES (Technology Experiment Satellite)
- TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)
- TET-1 (Technology Experiment Carrier-1)
- The Carruthers Geocorona Observatory / GLIDE
- THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms)
- THEOS (Thailand Earth Observation System)
- THEOS-2 (Thailand Earth Observation System-2)
- Tianwen-1 ("Questions to Heaven"-1)
- TIMED (Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics)
- TISat-1 (Ticino Satellite-1)
- TNS (Technology Nanosatellites)
- Tomorrow R1, R2
- TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer)
- Tomsk-TPU-120 (Tomsk Polytechnic University 120th Anniversary Satellite)
- TOPEX/Poseidon (Topography Experiment/Poseidon)
- TopSat (Tactical Operational Satellite, also known as TopSat 1 and TacSat 0)
- TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer)
- TRACERS (Tandem Reconnection and Cusp Electrodynamics Reconnaissance Satellites)
- Trailblazer
- Transit (NNSS)
- Trisat-R Nanosatellite
- TRISHNA (Thermal infraRed Imaging Satellite for High-resolution Natural resource Assessment)
- TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)
- TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)
- TRUTHS (Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial-and Helio-Studies)
- Tsinghua-1 (Tsinghua University Satellite, also known as HTQH-1 (Hangtian Qinghua 1))
- Tsubame ("Swift" in Japanese) Satellite
- TSX (TerraSAR-X)
- TSX-5 (Tri-Service Experiments Mission 5)
- TSX-NG (TerraSAR-X Next Generation)
- TTEthernet (Time-Triggered Ethernet)
- TUBSAT (Technical University of Berlin Satellite) Program
- TurkSat-3USat (Turkish Satellite - 3U Satellite)
- Twinkle: A British Mission to Explore Exoplanets
- TWINS (Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers)
- Tyvak-0130 CubeSat Mission
- UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite)
- UK GNSS Solutions
- UK-DMC-2 (United Kingdom - Disaster Monitoring Constellation-2)
- UKube-1 (United Kingdom Universal Bus Experiment 1)
- Ulysses Minisatellite
- Umbra SAR Constellation
- UniCubeSat-GG
- UNIFORM-1 (University International Formation Mission-1)
- UniSat (University Satellite)
- UniSat-5 (University Satellite-5)
- UNITEC-1 (UNISEC Technology Experiment Carrier-1)
- UoSAT-12
- USSF-12 WFOV (Wide Field of View) and Ring GEO Satellite Mission
- UWE-1 (Universität Würzburg's Experimentalsatellit-1)
- UWE-2 (University of Wurzburg Experimentalsatellit-2)
- UWE-4 (University Würzburg Experimental satellite-4)
- Van Allen Probes
- Veery Constellation
- VELOX-1 NSat (NanoSatellite) and VELOX-1 PSat (PicoSatellite)
- VELOX-2 Inter- satellite Data Relay System
- VELOX-CI Minisatellite
- VELOX-PII (Picosatellite II)
- Venta-1 Nanosatellite
- VENuS (Vegetation and Environment monitoring on a New MicroSatellite)
- VesselSat AIS Constellation
- VESTA CubeSat Mission
- Vigil
- VNREDSat-1 (Vietnam Natural Resources, Environment and Disaster-monitoring Satellite-1)
- Voyager Grand Tour Mission of the Solar System
- VRSS-1 (Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite-1)
- WCOM (Water Cycle Observation Mission)
- WEOS (Whale Ecology Observation Satellite)
- WESTPAC (Western Pacific Satellite)
- WildFireSat
- WIND Solar-Terrestrial Mission
- WINDS (Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite)
- WISA Woodsat
- WNISAT-1 (Weathernews Inc. Satellite-1)
- WorldView Legion
- WorldView-1
- WorldView-2
- WorldView-3
- WorldView-4
- WSF-M (Weather System Follow-on - Microwave) Satellite